Life Guide

How to Reduce The Expense Of Your Electric Storage Heating

How to Reduce The Expense Of Your Electric Storage Heating

For the 3.9 million UK households not on the mains gas network, the default position is often to heat their homes with electricity.

As one of the most expensive ways to heat a home, the bills from this type of system can be crippling, with householders paying on average £1,968 per year, compared to just £736 with a gas boiler.

Of course, the very best way to tackle expensive electric heating is to change the system you’re using.
Installing an oil or LPG boiler could save you £1,000 a year or more, but this in itself requires a large investment, which many people just can’t afford.

If you’re stuck with storage heaters, convector radiators or other types of electric heating, here’s how you can get your spending under control.

Keep the heat in

Probably the most important piece of advice we can offer is to stop the heat that you’re paying for being wasted. Insulating the loft and cavity walls is very affordable and could even be free of charge under government schemes. Draughtproofing, investing in heavy curtains and closing them at dusk can all avoid the heat loss that will cause your heaters to work overtime.


Check your tariff

There are so many fuel suppliers out there now, there’s no need to stick with any of the big brands. Known as the ‘big six’, the major energy suppliers have a track record of charging more than many of the smaller companies out there, and a simple switch to a different provider could save you on average around £262 a year.

If you’ve been with your supplier for some time, chances are you’ve been put on a standard tariff and are paying way more than you need to.

If you have night storage heaters in your home, you will probably be on an Economy 7 or similar type of tariff, normally split into a day and night rate or peak and off-peak.

This will allow you to get cheaper electricity overnight, normally midnight till 7 am when you are asleep.

What many people don’t realise is that this type of tariff on the day/peak times is much more expensive and can be up to an extortionate 60% or even 70% more expensive than a standard single tariff rate.

Shockingly these times are when you are awake and using all your electric appliances!

Controlling your heating

The problem with old night time storage heaters is that the heat output can be very difficult to control.

Often these heaters are limited to simply an input and output dial, which are ineffective in terms of control and often don’t work that well anyway.

They usually belch out heat early in the day, just when you don’t need it, and have run out of charge by late afternoon, leaving you to rely on expensive secondary heaters on a high rate tariff to stay warm in the evening.

If this sounds all too familiar to you, upgrading to a newer alternative could help you take control of your heating needs.

Upgrade your heating

If you’re spending a fortune on old, inefficient storage heaters, you could save a packet by upgrading to a modern alternative.

New German Electric Heaters have the ability to heat individual rooms to whatever temperature you desire. Once your room reaches the desired temperature the thermostat will maintain an even heat using a high-efficiency trickle charge.

Each heater has an individual timer meaning that you are in full control of heating each room at the times you need the heat.

This is a way for you to stop wasting energy and money and have a lovely warm comfortable home.

Certain electric heaters from Germany can be a cost-effective alternative to night storage heaters.

In tests, these heaters only drew energy for a maximum of 12 minutes per hour of supplied heat and heated to full capacity within just seven minutes.

This exciting technology can be supplied to UK households straight from the factory and could see you keeping warmer for less.

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